Interactions with Norce

Kai Tan
YL Crown Diamond, One Drop Founder
Norce is a delightful woman of strength to work with. I see her burning passion to empower other women. I have experienced her unyielding and wise convictions and leaderships. And I have been greatly moved by
Anyone would be highly blessed to be in the companionship and field where she devotes her time to. She will lead you… but she will challenge you to rise up and take on the helm of leadership too.

Jacq Ong & Gennet Song
Young Living Platinum Leaders, Founder of The Light Goes On
When we think of Norce, we feel extremely blessed that she is part of our The Light Goes On Young Living team. In our experience, Norce is an amazing wonder-ful-woman!
She has often shared that she wanted to support her fellow countrywomen in Indonesia to be able to have more choices in life, and to live their lives fully and passionately. We love her strong commitment to her own growth and development, her team and their growth. She cares about her people both as individuals and as a team. The success, strength, open-heartedness and enthusiasm of her leaders and members simply speaks of who Norce is as a leader and friend who walks her talk.
Norce is honest, energizing, out-spoken and willing to embrace new adventures and challenges in her life. There is much more we can say about Norce. We love working and playing with her. We will just say, if you are looking for a community with vision, passion, strong values and growth, definitely have a chat with Norce!

Faith Teo
Young Living Diamond, Founder of Let’s Add Oil
Norce has taught me that as leaders, we do not need to know everything but what’s more important is how we move people to empower themselves to design and live the lives they want.
Her thirst and love for the Young Living oils and personal growth is what defines Norce as a heart centred leader to me.

Deny Sentosa
YL Crown Diamond, Founder of Great Health Starts from Now
Norce is a hardworking, passionate, helpful and knowledgeable person in Young Living.
Her continuous learning journey keeps her updated with many great information.

Winnie Fannon
Young Living Platinum Leaders, Founder of Savvy Oilistas
I have known Norce for since 2015 and I met her from Young Living as we belong to the same parent organization. Both of us are doing the Young Living Business full time.
She is a confident, level headed, clear minded leader with lots of passion and visions for the future for her team and her dreams. All of the work and things that she does is backed up by her strong integrity and values. Norce knows what she wants for herself and for her entire team, and it’s clearly shown in the actions that she takes, and being ok to be different from the masses.
Norce’s team is made up of various ladies from all walks of life and they are empowered to make a difference in their lives, and lives of their loved ones. They have conviction in what they believe in, walking the talk at the same time. They are willing to step out of their comfort zone to go for their dreams of their lives.

Apien Huang
Young Living Silver #4132736
Saya kenal Norce semenjak Juni 2017, saat mulai bergabung dengan One Drop Indonesia. Sebagai newbie saya sering sekali bertanya dan Norce sangat responsif walaupun saat itu ia sedang berlibur (sori ya Norce =P ).
Beberapa hal yang membuat saya senang berada di tim Norce adalah integritas, passion dan semangatnya. Norce benar-benar membantu anggota timnya tidak hanya tentang essential oil dan bisnis, namun juga sumber inspirasi bagi saya dalam pengembangan diri.
Saya bersyukur bisa kenal dengan Norce dan teman-teman anggota team, walaupun selama ini hanya bertemu secara online, tapi akrab seperti saudara.
Semoga secepatnya bisa bertemu langsung dengan Norce dan teman-teman yang lain! (YES, saya belum pernah ketemu Norce secara langsung, haha…)

Ratih Wagiswari
Young Living Executive #3391710
I’ve known Norce since 2016.
The most engaging time with her was when I joined her leadership programme in 2017 and 2018. She coached around 20 members under this program and raised them to be a potential leader in the future.
Sharing those two years with her benefited me in many areas especially business and organizational skills since I have no prior knowledge and experience on it at all. Since joining the programme, I slowly learned about business side of Young Living, how to build my own team with value, culture and strong leadership.
Norce is very successful in opening my eyes and introducing me to a new world where I’ve never thought about before. Ever since, I learned to recognised many occasions as opportunity to develop myself with a lot of positivity.
One strong point that I love from Norce is she always has this courageous spirit that motivate us to push our limits and live our passions.

Young Living Executive #2894378
Hai teman-teman! Saya Wara, karyawati senior sebuah pabrik swasta di Jakarta.
Saya mengenal Norce sejak 14 tahun lalu, tapi baru mulai berani bertanya tentang essential oil setelah 1 tahun menjadi silent readernya dan bergabung menjadi anggota di tahun 2015.
Grup kami memiliki kelas rutin online maupun offline dengan nara sumber yang sangat berdedikasi dan berkualitas. Narasumber kami mulai dari ibu rumah tangga yang diasah untuk menjadi lebih percaya diri dan mengkontribusikan pengalamannya ke komunitas, hingga ke ahli ahli-ahli seperti dokter, bidan, pharmacist, health coach, leadership coach, dsb.
Selain mendapatkan dukungan komunitas pengguna essential oil, saya juga mengikuti program leadership yang Norce bentuk sejak 2 tahun lalu. Ia memberikan banyak dukungan dan arahan, dan menyediakan platform untuk kami tampil dan berlatih. Norce selalu mengingatkan kami untuk menghargai hasil kerja diri sendiri, selalu menghargai usaha orang-orang yang bekerjasama dengannya dan tidak pernah membuat saya merasa “kecil”

Rischa Mandasari
Young Living Silver #4114317
Saya sudah mulai kepo mengikuti Ci Norce dan Ci Deny sejak 2015, sebelum menjadi ‘bagian’ dari mereka. Saya kagum dengan cara mereka menulis dan mengedukasi anggota-anggotanya.
Tahun 2019 saya mengikuti grup leadership Ci Norce, saya merasa masuk ke dalam kelas katalisator yang sangat empowering dan powerful, karena Ci Norce sebagai ‘jantungnya’ memiliki tujuan yang detail dan jelas.

Rita Djohar
Young Living Gold #2997840
Norce adalah sosok pemimpin yang smart, karismatik dan inspiratif. Saya bersyukur dapat menjadi bagian dalam perjalanannya membangun program organizational leadership.
Semangatnya untuk berbagi membuat saya tertantang untuk selalu belajar dan berbagi kepada lebih banyak orang, untuk memberdayakan wanita Indonesia.

Sofia Ngadino
Young Living Senior Star #12350590
Norce is my inspiration!
It’s a priviledge to be a part of her team and to work with her. She’s a friend, role model and motivator. She empowers me and others despite our different background.

Karlina Kurniawati
Young Living Gold #4115915
Ci Norce shows me how to dream boldly and to lead bravely. I’ve been challenged, moved and truly humbled by all I have experienced under her leadership.
She’s a passionate and supportive leader. Someone with big visions and also a big heart. She encourages me to unfold my potentials, to always look for opportunities to develop myself. So grateful for her heart to lead and empower our team!